Important Information about Sample Projects
Due to privacy concerns and the ever-changing nature of the Internet, I decided that I would not feature student names or student images in the sample projects provided on this web-site.
Please realize that this decision impacts the sample projects in the following four ways:
- On many of the projects, student images are perfectly acceptable in your classroom. However, those samples are not included on this web-site. For example: an excellent Catalog Cover created by your students in your classroom may certainly include an image of a student. However, such Catalog Cover samples are not included on this web-site.
- Informal Portrait is not represented by sample projects because it relies on images of students.
- Student names, while required as an element of many projects, have been deleted from the sample projects on this web-site.
- Three projects – Yeah, I Was There, Interactive Text and Photo Collage – were created by the author. The Photo Collages and Interactive Text projects were created using licensed stock images, and Yeah, I Was There features the author himself (in costume.)
Thank you for your understanding as I protect the privacy of students who have shared their digital images.
–Keith Kyker