Keith Kyker Webinar – watch now online (free!)

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On Tuesday, December 9th, Keith Kyker, author of Teaching Digital Photography: The Ultimate Guide to ‘Tween and Teen Learning presented a free webinar as part of the popular LMC @ THE FOREFRONT series.

The webinar, titled Teaching Digital Photography: Seven Essential Elements for Instructional Success featured several ideas from Keith’s new digital photography curriculum guide.

You can watch a recording of the webinar online at the following link:  Teaching Digital Photography: Seven Essential Elements for Instructional Success.  (When you get to the web-site, click “>>>VIEW THE WEBINAR RECORDING.”)  You will need to enter your name and your e-mail address to proceed, but that’s it!
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Teaching Digital Photography is here!

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Linworth Libraries Unlimited, a division of ABC-CLIO, has released Teaching Digital Photography: The Ultimate Guide to ‘Tween and Teen Learning.

The price is $45, which includes a full-year Digital Photography/multimedia curriculum, and a CD-ROM containing editable versions of all project plans and rubrics, and dozens of images for student practice.

You can learn more about this book on the ABC-CLIO web-site. is also selling the book, and offering a 10% discount, taking the price to $40.50.